©Kirton News 2025

February 2014

The Editors Letter

My opportunity to wish you all a ‘Happy New Year’ Now... to business.

I was at present at a public meeting recently to be accused of being ‘negative’ in my diatribes over the last months.

As I pointed out at the time, if there was nothing to moan about, I wouldn’t moan!

However, for the beginning of 2014 at least I think we can highlight some very positive stuff.

Inside our February edition you will hear of new businesses and re-vamping of existing ones. Of successes on the sporting front; of forth-coming celebrations: and a whole wealth of entertainment for your delight and delectation.

And also for the youth of the Village. The on-going campaign for an established Skate Park (instigated by some of the youngest members of our community) has come even closer to being a reality. Designs have been chosen; costings have been sought and passed, and the site has been secured.

Permission has now been given for the facility to be built on the Dame Sarah Swift Park on Church Lane.

Now the real work starts; fund raising for the hard cash. Many events will be taking place over the next months, and all and any contribution gratefully received. Also, any ideas any of you have for fund raising activities, get in touch. Venues and all the assistance and support you need are available.

Sponsorship is still being sought from local businesses and, if any of you out there don’t know where to send the dosh, just contact me and I’ll point you in the right direction.

Let’s get this thing happening. The illustration on this page is a basic idea of the type of equipment the Park will consist of. It should be a great asset. It can provide entertainment, competition, exercise and enjoyment for years to come.

Positive, eh?

If things go to plan, this year will see many changes in Kirton. Stay with Kirton News for more ‘Kirton news’ in the coming months.

We may ask for a little effort on your part but... It’s all for your benefit.

Make 2014 a landmark year for all of us.


Kirton Royal British
Legion Poppy Day Update

Hello Readers, I would just like to update you on how the poppy appeal has performed in the 2012 appeal. Where the rest of the country charities have seen a drop of about 15% in their donations I am please to say that the residents of Kirton and District have again increased their donations to the poppy appeal from the 2011 appeal of £ 3,541.97 to the 2012 appeal of £ 3,786.09.

This was helped by a charity fishing match held in June which raised £ 165.00. I would like to thank Mr Coupland proprietor of Westgate Lakes and hopefully he will support us again next year for another fishing match,

To date this year 2013 poppy appeal collection in the district has raised £2928.50 I am sure that in the coming year we will be close to our target of last year amount.

In 2014 it is the centenary of the first world war to commemorate this event we at the local branch of The Royal British Legion are making arrangements for the local youth organisations and schools to plant fields of poppies, this is still in the planning stage but in the New Year I may be coming to you rattling the charity tins again. If all goes well I will be asking people to sponsor their chosen youth group or school to 1 or 2 packets of poppy seeds we may need between 75 to 100 packs of seeds

Kind Regards

Roland Reece, Tel: 01205 722501


Let’s Make Merry at the Monk
one more time!

It may not have escaped the notice of many of you but the long standing saga of the Merry Monk has opened yet another chapter. But this time the folks in charge seem to be charged... with youth, enthusiasm and a will to succeed.

Moving here from running successful pub/restaurant style businesses in the Nottingham area Kate and Georgie welcome you in to the newly refurbished hostelry.

A lot of work has been done to refresh the premises. A complete re-equipping of the kitchens (along with an excellent food hygiene score), re-modeling of the bar area and general ‘sprucing up’ of the ground floor has seen the Monk take on a new lease of life. Plans are afoot to make good use of both the Cellar Bar and Function Room and the girls plan to make every effort to put on some great entertainment to entice us all back.

Having spent years in the Midlands they didn’t just happen on Kirton. Georgie says; “We did a lot of research into where we wanted to move to next. After the buzz of the city we both fancied a more relaxed and intimate style of business and Kirton was our choice.”

We love the sense of community here and want to do our bit to be a part of this ‘family’.

We feel we have a lot to offer not only in expressing our talent and love of food, but also creating the sort of place with the type of atmosphere we’d like to be involved in. And we like a laugh; let’s all have a good time!”

To that end, plans are long term. The girls aren’t going away!!!

Outside of future developments on the entertainment side they are also keen to make the place not, as it has been before, a restaurant with a bar, but a pub/restaurant with all the aligned interests.

They want Pool Teams; Darts Teams; Quiz Teams, Domino Teams. Whatever you fancy setting up, the venue is yours. Any suggestions for something different - the girls are eager for feedback.

It was a big part of village life and can be so again. Just step through the door and get back to the good times!!




The Kirton Church Fund

With over £1500 being raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2013 and a over £2300 since we started in June 2012 it’s a massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!

We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage.

The January draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.

The February draw takes place on Sunday 23th and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.

November 2013 Winners

December 2013 Winners

Kirton Kids Club

HAPPY NEW YEAR! The build up to Christmas was a very busy and exciting one but it is all too soon gone.

On the up side the children came back to the club full of laughter and enthusiasm, ready to tell us all in circle time what presents they had and what their ‘best’ gift had been.

This simple process gets children socialising, talking and responding to each other which in turn help to boost their confidence and self esteem as well as helping with speech and language skills.

When I first qualified for my job one of the things I remember most from then is the phrase ‘children learn through play’ and this is totally true.

Children love to play and even the simplest games enables the children to learn and grow; gaining skills that will be with them for life.

Amazing when you think that they are ‘only playing’.

Kirton Kids Club is here for you as parents and carers to send your children before and after school, to give you extra time either end of the school day but also for your children to learn, have fun and socialise.

Breakfast club starts at 7.30am – it is ideal for working parents and carers but also for those of you that struggle getting children to eat breakfast, get dressed and get to school on time.

We take the hard work out of this for you. Bring your children to us, they will be offered a choice of breakfast menu, have a play and get to school on time – all for the amazing price of £3.50 per child per session! (Breakfast is served up to 8.15 am).

After school we will pick your children up from school, settle them, feed them and let them have a happy, fun time with friends and school mates.

We can take the stress out of hurrying to leave work or appointments early, or driving through heavy traffic and rushing to collect them from school at 3.20 pm.

We have an ‘Aladdin’s cave’ of toys, equipment and activities for your children to use and enjoy. There is a chill out room for older children, a massive hall and dining area and a wonderful outside space with play equipment, gardening area, hard surface and astro turf.

After school club cost only £5.50 per child per session.

We are a registered charity and all money is put back into the club itself to make it better for your children.

We offer a ‘free taster session’ where you are invited to bring your children along while you are there to watch them play and settle in.

if you would like to see more please go to our web page at www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or contact us via email at kkc09@live.co.uk or phone 07583 762072.


With businesses closing regularly (and Kirton has recently lost another High Street outlet) it is heartening to see that there is still confidence out there. Kirton’s latest enterprise - LB Hair Studio - is a breath of fresh hair!

Lisa, the lady who has given her initial to the title, is Lincolnshire born but has pursued her career from the County to the Continent and back, via up-market London outlets.

After initial training in Sleaford (‘Just Sue’s’ and ‘Spectrum’) she moved briefly to a Boston Salon. Marrying into the Forces she then left for Europe, spending five years in Germany where she opened her first Salon. A further posting saw Lisa take up, what she thought would be a temporary position at a fashionable central London salon. Sixteen years (and a highly successful career) later the hairdresser - and trained barber - has had a hankering to return to her ROOTS!

(Pun completely intentional!)

Bringing style from Belgravia to 24a Station Road in the form of the LB Hair Studio, she plans to tease us with her own unique tonsorial talents offering a full range of services, perms and colours.

A L’Oreal based studio, Lisa is able to offer the latest available products from a vast international range but still likes to think folks can also go in for a trim and a good chat!

Her friendly, bubbly enthusiasm certainly rubbed off on me in our recent interview. Although an International talent she is, at heart, still a local, Lincolnshire lass. Let’s welcome this colourful, confident coiffeuse into the village and wish her every success.

LB Hair Studio opens Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm; easy to find on Station Road opposite the Town Hall car park.


Father Gary Writes...

I would like to thank everyone for joining in the spirit of things regarding our Messy Nativity Service on Christmas eve. Local Businesses and Utilities were really good in looking after our sheep during Advent until they were shepherded back to Church. This was a first for us and was a success that we can build on in the years to come.

However I must apologise for the unfortunate mix up on Christmas eve. We planned a departure from the norm by hosting a Messy Nativity Service instead of a Crib Service. This was planned back in August and had been on the Church Service Sheets since early October. There never was a Crib Service booked.

However inadvertently the wrong times were sent to Kirton News. I was unaware of the mix up until after the magazine was printed. This was not the fault of Kirton news just a break down in communication.

It has come to my attention that several families turned up for the Crib Service at 6.00pm. I can only apologise.

We at Kirton Church will endeavour to make sure this never happens again and we look forward to seeing you all this year.



I’m all right Jack!

It only seems a few months ago that we ran a piece about local boy David Bristow and his rising star in the world of bowls. But, those of you who keep such things will know that it was April 2011 when David was first featured in Kirton News.

His talent continues to grow and flourish.

David has beaten all comers over the last couple of years; the trophy cabinet in his (amazingly tidy!) bedroom groans with the spoils of his achievements.

Last Autumn saw, possibly, his finest to-date when, at Skegness in the Open Singles (a country-wide competition) he beat the lot! Our photo shows David proudly holding his ‘Jolly Sailor’ and the Jim Dunn Trophy from the English Bowls Federation. A new trophy presented for the first time in 2013.

Last year also saw him performing magnificently in the Under 25s Championships at Worthing - possibly the Mecca for the Sport.

However it didn’t all go his way; he missed out, by only one place, on automatic selection for the Commenwealth Games this year in Edinburgh. But there’ll be plenty more of those to come!

David continues to play with - and mostly triumph over - the best players in the Country, almost all of whom are his seniors by some few years.

He has also recently been performing on screen in the Indoor Planet Bowls Circuit. Although only available via the internet there are plans from next year to feature it on mainstream TV. So far he is ranked at 242nd in the UK. Not bad for eighteen, eh? Plans are also mooted for an Outdoor Planet Bowls league this year.

If it’s possible, outdoors he performs even better so folks had better watch out ‘cause he’s coming to get you!!

The circuit is all about the best playing the best; a round of constant improvement - and David is improving all the time. A tribute to the hard background work that Mum and Dad,(Alison and Rob) and Grandfather Aubrey have put in over the past seven years.

Trials for the Country’s Under 25s beckon this Summer and it’s being said by his peers he’ll have a permanent place in the England Squad within a year.

So, let’s applaud the lad for his efforts so far and keep an eye on this bowling superstar. He’s going all the way to the top!!


Poppy Seeds

Hello Readers, in 2014 it will be the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War, World War 1.

To commemorate this event we at your local branch of The Royal British Legion are organising in conjunction with the local schools and youth organisation a project to plant fields of poppies in and around the area.

To achieve this we are asking people to sponsor their chosen school or youth group to a packet of poppy seed, we estimate we will need approximately 100 packets of seeds at £2 per pack.

So can we ask everyone to be as generous as they can in this arduous time, if in the event of sponsorship exceeding the seed requirement this will be donated to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Fund.

Please look out for sponsorship forms and collecting boxes in the local shops.

If anyone would like more information on where the seeds are to be scattered please contact me Roland Reece on the details below, for now we would like to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Thank you to everyone,

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Poppy Lola Laura Bishop

Ashton Riley Ponton

Kayleigh Louise Beck - at The Methodist Church

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

Bryan Batley & Kirsty Gutteridge

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Mr Robert Hilton

Mr Wilfred Kelk